The comprehensive guide to EMDR self-coaching

Learn to noticeably reduce stress & strain. Download the EMDR self-help guide now.(more...)

The comprehensive guide to EMDR self-coaching

Learn to noticeably reduce stress & strain. Download the EMDR self-help guide now.(more...)

Are you a self-employed healthcare professional, coach or trainer? Become our partner!


The EMDR goggles REMSTIM 3000 offer you numerous possibilities of application and use

The basic concept of EMDR self-coaching with the help of the EMDR goggles REMSTIM 3000 is easy to use and helps many people in difficult and stressful moments exactly when they occur (please also read the important information).

Based on this, the professional variation of this basic concept results in a great many possible applications and uses for the EMDR glasses.

remstim cooperation partner program

As a cooperation partner, you are no longer just a self-user: you will be licensed by us as an independent health professional, trainer or coach to use the EMDR self-coaching method with the help of the EMDR goggles REMSTIM 3000 for advertising purposes, in order to be able to exploit the full potential of EMDR (self-)coaching with the EMDR goggles:

Please submit your non-binding cooperation request using the form at the bottom of this page.(to the form)

The EMDR goggles REMSTIM 3000 is a unique device in its special design and with its finely tuned functions. We offer the possibility of cooperation to healing professionals, coaches and trainers.

As a cooperation partner you are entitled according to the conditions to advertise with the brand REMSTIM® and the EMDR glasses REMSTIM 3000.

No matter who you approach; almost everyone shows interest in the EMDR glasses, which bring all the positive stimulation effects of EMDR coaching to fruition in numerous application areas of everyday life.

Use it to actively approach people and you will reach new clients.

“None of us has to endure our emotional burdens, such as stress or worry, for long. Not for longer than the moment it takes us to become aware of it. After that, we have a real choice and can help ourselves.”(Thomas Buhl)

Become a local contact in your region. is based in Berlin, which is why many requests regarding a 1:1 EMDR self-coaching workshop could not materialize due to the distance.

As a cooperation partner you receive the authorization according to the conditions to advertise with the brand REMSTIM® and the EMDR glasses REMSTIM 3000.

As soon as you are a proven user of the EMDR goggles REMSTIM 3000, whether in EMDR self-coaching or as a coach and trainer who accompanies his clients in the application, we offer you a free profile entry on as a cooperation partner.

Write your testimonial about using the REMSTIM 3000 and we will be happy to publish it (no guarantee).

For example, you can find Martina Jänicke’s field report here.

Your report should then conclude your personal profile incl. Include link to your website. As the only condition we would like to ask you for a “backlink” (back) to

Admittedly, the EMDR self-coaching method with the REMSTIM 3000 is child’s play. Nevertheless, for many interested people but also for already experienced users it is an advantage to deepen the EMDR self-coaching method and its subtleties in a special atmosphere like in a workshop.

Participants regularly discover new self-coaching opportunities in the process. New topics, new emotions and new body sensations, which are first recognized through a guided self-application.

As a cooperation partner we enable you to conduct a 1:1 Intensive Workshop: EMDR Self-Coaching with the EMDR goggles REMSTIM 3000.

Offer and independently conduct EMDR self-coaching workshops with the REMSTIM 3000 as our partner. Of course, the participants all work on their topics covertly. No one is forced to reveal themselves in front of others.

In doing so, you will be able to attract new clients but also to actively address existing clients in particular. Participants will recommend you to others, so you can hold new workshops on a regular basis.

Regularly, the workshops also result in requests for one-on-one coaching sessions. Because not every topic should be tackled alone and in self-coaching. And even in the guided workshop, the particularly stressful topics may be out of place. Read also the article Self-coaching or coaching with a coach – how to decide?

A special form of EMDR coaching using the REMSTIM 3000 is EMDR group coaching for everyday personal sensitivities.

Invite your clients to experience small group EMDR coaching on a regular basis!

Only thanks to the EMDR glasses this is possible! How else could the coach give enough attention to 5-6 participants at the same time for the EMDR intervention (stimulation of rapid eye movements). With the EMDR glasses, this is child’s play. With the words “…please put on your glasses now!” the coach starts another intervention with the participants.

In this process, all participants work on their topics covertly. Nevertheless, liberating conversations and a lively exchange of experiences ensue. This is because participants are free to share the emotions and body sensations they experience. Often, participants are grateful to learn that others are experiencing a similar situation.

As a coach, you will guide your participants through the coaching process, yet remain in the background, which distinguishes EMDR group coaching from individual coaching or workshops.

Your regular participants will be happy to bring new participants.

What could be more natural than offering EMDR group coaching specifically to companies or other institutions? Thanks to the REMSTIM 3000 EMDR goggles, it is possible for a coach to lead a group of 5-6 participants through the EMDR coaching process with ease. This would be inconceivable without glasses, as he would not be able to perform an EMDR intervention (stimulation of rapid eye movements) on all participants at the same time or at the moment of need.

This has shown that companies or institutions are interested in topics such as

  • Confident appearance during presentations, speeches and negotiations (appearance anxiety)
  • Reduction of blockades in sales talks
  • Pass exams more easily (test anxiety)

are very interested. The positive reaction of the participants can often lead to follow-up orders.

Always note and keep in mind the specificity of the EMDR method used in the workshop. Whereas in countless workshops the focus is on knowledge transfer and understanding, the effects of an EMDR coaching workshop take place in the emotional world of the participants: The participants usually notice extremely positive changes in their emotions and views with regard to the topic or subtopics already during or at the latest after the workshop. Read more in Stimulation Effects of EMDR.

“What can I do if the issue overtakes me again once I get back home and you (dear coach) are not there to help me?”

Have you ever heard this question from one of your clients?

Use the EMDR goggles REMSTIM 3000 like our colleague Martina Jänicke from Berlin: as a vacation replacement for your clients! Read more about this under: The EMDR goggles as my vacation replacement for my clients.

As our cooperation partner, you benefit from special conditions when purchasing EMDR glasses in larger quantities in a closed order. Special conditions apply here, which we will be happy to inform you about on request.


Non-binding cooperation request

Please fill in (* = mandatory fields )

I am interested in taking advantage of the affiliate program as a cooperation partner of Thomas Buhl, This does not create an obligation for me. I am aware that my self-employment as a health professional, coach or trainer is a mandatory requirement.

Information on self-employment:

EMDR device REMSTIM 3000

Designed for EMDR self-coaching: with the REMSTIM 3000 EMDR goggles, effective self-help with EMDR becomes an easy exercise!(Experiences)

Health professionals & coaches

The EMDR self-coaching guide

EMDR device REMSTIM 3000

Designed for EMDR self-coaching: with the REMSTIM 3000 EMDR goggles, effective self-help with EMDR becomes an easy exercise!(Experiences)

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