“The Body Doesn’t Lie” by John Diamond is a fascinating book that explores the complex connections between our physical symptoms and our emotional and psychological states. John Diamond, a pioneer of holistic medicine, explains how our bodies send signals through symptoms and illnesses that indicate unresolved emotional and psychological problems. Diamond explains impressively that physical complaints are often an expression of deeper emotional conflicts. By understanding these connections, we can learn to decode our body’s messages and respond to them in order to improve our health and well-being. The book offers a mixture of scientific findings, case studies and practical exercises aimed at activating our self-healing powers and strengthening our emotional intelligence. A central aspect of Diamond’s work is the importance of mindfulness and self-reflection. He emphasizes that it is important to listen to our body’s signals and not to ignore or suppress them. Instead, we should look at these signals as valuable clues that can help us gain deeper insights into our emotional and mental health. “The body doesn’t lie” also shows how we can improve our physical well-being by consciously dealing with our feelings and thoughts. Diamond offers numerous practical techniques to release emotional blockages and achieve a harmonious balance between body and mind. This includes mindfulness exercises, meditation and other methods of self-care. This book is for anyone who wants to feel holistically healthy and is ready to understand the language of their body. It is aimed at readers who want to gain deeper insights into the connection between body and mind and activate their self-healing powers. With this book, John Diamond makes a valuable contribution to holistic health promotion and shows how closely our physical well-being is linked to our emotional and mental state. It was published by VAK-Verlag and is still available there: https://www.vakverlag.de/700-der-koerper-luegt-nicht.html
How Somatic Markers Influence Our Lives
Somatic markers make themselves felt with the help of body