It’s time to put an end to all our negative beliefs. EMDR helps!
Strengthen your own self-image & self-confidence with EMDR in self-coaching.
The idea a person has of himself or herself has a significant influence on how he or she thinks, feels and acts. This image of oneself is composed of one’s self-image, one’s desired image and the external image mirrored by one’s environment. The more consistent these three images are, the more authentic the person appears, the more efficient he is and the more he enjoys his life.
Important here is the realization that it is always an imagination, that is, his interpretation of these images of himself! That – as so often – is the crux of the matter. Nothing is “inherently so”! It is always the individual who interprets the situation or the image.
We become aware of this when we discover that our perspective can change within time, sometimes within seconds. It is a constant matching of our sense impressions with our interpretation of them.
Often individuals find that you are not satisfied with yourself – and by that you mean your self-image. They would much rather be what they wish they were. Just like your desired image. This may be about skills or purely physical attributes. Who does not know them, these expressions of self-deprecation.
Self-deprecating beliefs:
- "I'm too fat!"
- "My legs are too short!"
- "My breasts are too small!"
- "My nose is too big!"
- "My butt is too fat!"
- "I'm too ugly!"
- "I'm just too stupid"
- "I am not intelligent enough"
And on and on. The list of external and internal self-deprecation is long, very long. Understandably, it can be extremely helpful to change personal and especially disparaging beliefs about one’s own self-image. This results in an uplifting and affirming attitude towards life.
The perceived flaw in one’s body or one’s “being” is obviously and often accompanied by a high level of dissatisfaction.
Rapid Eye Movement Stimulation – EMDR’s basic intervention – can often reduce feelings of internal dissatisfaction. This small change alone then leads to a new and more positive perception of oneself. The self-image is upgraded and approaches the desired image!
This is linked to self-confidence, which allows us to assess our individual abilities and performance potential with regard to the demands of life that need to be met. This assessment then results in either concern due to the threat of being overwhelmed or a sense of empowerment. Just “feeling capable” paves the way to a purposeful life, as we more often take conscious control of the trajectory of our lives than when we are beset by self-doubt. Doubts that seek to convince us both of our perceived lack of aptitude and control and of excessive dependence.
EMDR in self-coaching with the help of Remstim3000 usually helps us very well to strengthen our self-image and self-confidence and to come to a more positive assessment of ourselves.
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EMDR goggles REMSTIM 3000
An effective EMDR device has to fulfill numerous conditions. The following information will give you answers to the most important

EMDR goggles REMSTIM 3000
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