Stimulation effects of EMDR
The possible positive effects of EMDR, which can be applied in self-coaching thanks to the REMSTIM 3000, are exemplified here. The reaction of each user may be different:
Even just before an application, the involving issue is exceedingly present and the individual feels at the mercy of the situation. At times, it even takes effort to bring yourself to a liberating stimulation. That’s how much the subject occupies and affects free will and the desire to relax.
With the first application of Rapid Eye Movement Stimulation especially with the REMSTIM 3000 in many cases the beneficial stimulation effects, which are derived from coaching methods such as EMDR are known.
While the eyes are still following the light signal, several things can happen almost simultaneously:
- Whatever inner images banish the thoughts. They fade, lose their threatening dimension. You yourself feel pleasantly distant and less involved.
- The issue appears in a new more positive light. The individual contexts and personal evaluations suddenly become friendlier.
- Spontaneous associations appear before the inner eye and allow previously undreamt-of positive reinterpretations. Even what was believed to be unchangeable, and which previously only provoked rejection, can now gain neutral and even agreeable aspects.
- Emotions transform, and many users feel negative physical sensations begin to leave the point of origin of the first physical perception. In the process, they travel through the body and change. Ultimately, they end in blissful relaxation when they finally dissipate.
- The body thanks you with liberating reactions and stretches and breathes deeply (again). It makes us yawn, smile, grin and even laugh. And sometimes even cry, only to be followed shortly by a feeling of relaxation and a calming of the temper.
These effects usually occur during the first applications with the REMSTIM 3000.
And even after the stimulations, the restorative effects can continue:
- The topic continues to fade until some even have to remind themselves of it and wonder how they could not think of anything else just a short time before. The once unfortunate matter is not forgotten but may now not seem important enough to be overwhelmed by concern. Solutions and actions, if then still necessary, are now easier.
Last but not least, there may be an after-effect during the following night’s rest. Thus, the once common nocturnal REM phases (again) take over the function of the just in the awake state simulated Rapid Eye Movement Stimulation and continue the abreaction of emotional memories of stressful events. Loud dreams may occur especially on this night.
In many cases, the next morning brings a particularly fresh and refreshed awakening.
Please also read the important information.
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