The comprehensive guide to EMDR self-coaching

Learn to noticeably reduce stress & strain. Download the EMDR self-help guide now.(more...)

The comprehensive guide to EMDR self-coaching

Learn to noticeably reduce stress & strain. Download the EMDR self-help guide now.(more...)

The 1:1 INTENSIVE Workshop: EMDR Self-Coaching with the REMSTIM 3000


The 1:1 INTENSIVE workshop (EMDR workshop):
EMDR Self-Coaching with the REMSTIM 3000

Learn to self-coach yourself and your issues using the EMDR self-coaching method and REMSTIM 3000 EMDR goggles.

The EMDR self-coaching method is easy to apply and noticeably effective even without a workshop thanks to the simple handling of the REMSTIM 3000 and EMDR self-coaching instructions. For the self-coaching method in particular, but also for remote coaching with EMDR, Thomas Buhl has developed the EMDR glasses: so that anyone can help themselves immediately, quickly and easily in moments of particularly emotional and mental stress or be coached regardless of location.

So who needs this 1:1 intensive workshop? Well, all those of us who want to get to the even deeper “sore spots” of our own. To the special

Topics that have a great impact on our lives: for example, hidden fears or mental and emotional blocks. The EMDR workshop helps to find the access and gives a deeper understanding and knowledge and trains in a special way the own skills and abilities in dealing with this effective method.

An extremely important question in advance:

When was the last time you attended a workshop that really made a difference for you? A change you wanted to see; and sustainable?

An EMDR workshop is completely different from any workshop you have experienced before. This is because an EMDR workshop focuses on your emotions and emotional memory(Somatic Markers). You can only achieve real change through your body memory, on which your beliefs and convictions also depend.

Read also Why EMDR intensive workshops are so effective & efficient.

1:1 means: 1 coach and 1 coachee per workshop

Each EMDR workshop is an individual workshop and each participant chooses his or her own personal date. This results in the optimal situation: 1 coach and 1 coachee! This creates a special atmosphere of self-reflection and undivided attention, which is very conducive to achieving personal goals in self-coaching.

Thomas Buhl, alternative practitioner for psychotherapy, experienced trainer, EMDR coach and developer of the EMDR goggles REMSTIM 3000, conducts the intensive workshop personally. It helps you to fully develop your personal potential and to become even more experienced in self-management and the use of your resources. Thanks to the personal coaching atmosphere , individual support is guaranteed.

On this INTENSIVE seminar you will learn within a few hours the effective EMDR self-coaching method using the EMDR device REMSTIM 3000. You work on your own chosen main topic and your own (sub)topics connected with it and experience the liberating and relaxing effect of this special kind of workshop.


During the workshop you coach your own issues yourself, covertly or overtly, under the guidance of Thomas Buhl. Step by step, the 6 steps of EMDR self-coaching are worked through repeatedly for each topic. Each individual step and its particular task is presented and trained through special exercises.

Main topics & areas of application

It is up to you which personal issues you would like to address. You decide whether you want to work on your topics covertly or openly. The areas of application are numerous and so are the topics.

Coaching topics will be addressed during the workshop. The prerequisite is – as is usually the case with coaching – a normal mental and physical resilience. Please read the important information.

A selection of main topics & application areas

Note: Within the framework of coaching, topics with a non-diseased character are dealt with.

EMDR goggles REMSTIM 3000

You will be provided with an EMDR device REMSTIM 3000 for the duration of the face-to-face workshop.

Learn more about the REMSTIM 3000

Details of the 1:1 INTENSIVE workshop


EMDR Coach & Trainer: Thomas Buhl
Location: Koenigsallee 11 A, 14193 Berlin Grunewald(find on google maps)
Time: By arrangement
Duration: 3 hours
Number of participants: 1 participant
Price* per attendance workshop: € 349.00
*All prices incl. VAT


Koenigsallee 11 A, 14193 Berlin Grunewald(find on google maps and show route)

Non-binding request for a single workshop

After you have submitted your non-binding request, you will receive an initial confirmation email. Promptly we will contact you for further questions and details. Please also note your phone number with your request, as we would like to contact you by phone. You are also welcome to call us directly at 030 – 3982 1419.

Please fill in (* = mandatory fields )

I am interested in conducting a 1:1 – INTENSIVE workshop with Thomas Buhl and therefore make this non-binding request.

EMDR device REMSTIM 3000

Designed for EMDR self-coaching: with the REMSTIM 3000 EMDR goggles, effective self-help with EMDR becomes an easy exercise!(Experiences)

Workshop notes

Frequently asked questions about the workshop

Yes, it is possible. Attending the intensive workshop is not a prerequisite for successful EMDR self-coaching. The REMSTIM 3000 EMDR goggles were developed precisely for EMDR self-application in coaching without prior knowledge. However, the workshop helps to gain a deeper understanding of the EMDR self-coaching method. In addition, you will use your own topics to train effective self-coaching under the guidance of Thomas Buhl, the developer of the EMDR device REMSTIM 3000 and the self-coaching method.

Yes, this is even the usual way. Your personal issues do not need to be revealed in detail to the group or to the coach. You will not be asked to do so either. Your personal topics remain personal and therefore secret. The application of the EMDR self-coaching method with the help of the REMSTIM 3000 works without any restrictions. No one will find out about your intimate issues unless you want them to and speak up for yourself. Nevertheless, the self-coaching method can be explained and trained on the basis of the 6 steps without detailed mention of specific topics in the workshop. U.A. exactly this circumstance is a special advantage of the method, because you can coach yourself and your coaching topic without having to confide in another person.

No, neither the workshop nor the method nor the use of the EMDR goggles REMSTIM 3000 can or should replace therapy. The offers are the possibility of self-coaching. Coaching basically requires a normal mental and physical resilience of the participants or users. Accordingly, the EMDR self-coaching workshop focuses on topics that represent mental and emotional challenges and sensitivities of everyday life without being classified as a disease. Please also read the important information.

Yes, for the time of the workshop each participant will be provided with an EMDR device REMSTIM 3000.

Yes, after the workshop you can buy a pair of EMDR glasses REMSTIM 3000. However, this is of course not an obligation.

If you have any questions for us before registering for the intensive workshop, simply use the form below or send us an email at

Further information

Questions? We answer!

The EMDR self-coaching guide

EMDR device REMSTIM 3000

Designed for EMDR self-coaching: with the REMSTIM 3000 EMDR goggles, effective self-help with EMDR becomes an easy exercise!(Experiences)

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