Already with his first breath the human being collects experiences. He is constantly learning for his future life. Our brain stores everything, every event. What we have learned over the years has a significant influence on our lives. In such a way that our experiences and our decisions shape our behavior every day. If a person were to experience only positive things, his performance potential would be almost inexhaustible as a result of these successful experiences. Hardly anything would frighten him, the fewest things would instill fear. Each additional year of life increases the strength and drive of that person who has been spared from negativity.
However, the reality of most of us is different. From childhood on, we are exposed to countless conflicts that flow into our emotional memory as memories. Many of them accompany us throughout our lives and remain unconsciously in our innermost being and are able to influence our current existence. The more our individual experiences are shaped by negative experiences, the more they can act as a barrier to success. In these cases, we make different decisions based on the old and negative experiences. Different decisions than the ones we would have made without those mental stresses. This is because our behavior is programmed to protect ourselves in the best possible way. Here, somatic markers play a crucial role.
More about the theory of somatic markers

How Somatic Markers Influence Our Lives
Somatic markers make themselves felt with the help of body reactions of varying intensity It is often observed that one

How Somatic Markers Influence Our Lives
Somatic markers make themselves felt with the help of body reactions of varying intensity It is often observed that one
This protective function gives rise to strategies to avoid a repetition of the stressful situation. Over the years, a person who has had to cope with the usual numerous challenges has numerous avoidance strategies. These strategies remain active even if the event that caused them in the past was unique and a recurrence is virtually impossible. Unfortunately, the recurrent use of avoidance strategies does not lead to the desired results in most cases. On the contrary, this can lead to performance blockades that severely limit the individual’s scope for performance and action.
As a result, avoidance strategies increasingly dominate everyday life and are glossed over as a comfort zone. Performance blockades that occur due to worries, which can arise before an exam, before flying, before a speech or before a presentation, are only mentioned here as examples. Thus, separations, existential worries or even disappointments in life can leave deep traces of memories.
And every time a negative experience hits us very hard, it weakens our performance potential. Different negative events combine, increase the stress that weighs on the person and further weaken him. Unprocessed stresses weigh more than successes. It is important to understand that this is not the reaction of a “sick” person, but the protective mechanisms of a healthy person.
Therefore, the goal is to remove performance blockages and free people from their debilitating memories. With the help of the REMSTIM 3000 and by means of rapid eye movements, which are also known from the EMDR method, the emotional imprints can be dissolved step by step in many cases, which makes the full performance potential available again.
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