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The comprehensive guide to EMDR self-coaching

Learn to noticeably reduce stress & strain. Download the EMDR self-help guide now.(more...)

Heartbreak – Grief: We mourn our old love


Grief and especially coping with grief are important steps in overcoming heartbreak

Mourning & coping with grief of love - mourning for the old loveAn ended relationship, especially when the breakup was not of our making, takes a toll on us mentally and emotionally. On an emotional level, a breakup can create almost unbearable stress once deep-seated heartbreak, grief and love pain set in. Separation pain is an intense and painful experience and can basically consist of almost all the emotions that man can feel. Besides love, it is mainly the negative and painful feelings such as sadness, hatred, anger, disappointment or longing that make us suffer. However, the positive feelings seem to have been lost: Happiness, joy and contentment.

As heartbreak grips us, we suffer and coping with grief becomes almost unbearable. In the beginning, we see no hope that our odyssey through negative feelings will ever end. Overcoming grief seems an almost impossible undertaking. Nor does the initial weakness and paralysis make it any easier for us to cope with heartbreak and overcome grief.

Allow grief

Grief is an essential ingredient(stage 5 of heartbreak) to overcome heartbreak in the long run. Tears, for example, should be allowed to flow uninhibitedly. They are not a sign of weakness, but rather one of strength, because not everyone is able to face their feelings and give them free rein. For the process of coping with grief, especially with heartbreak, tears are of great importance, as they help us to vent our emotions.

Heartbreak: our grief is understandable!

We should realize that grieving for a beloved partner is a natural process. After all, we have lost a person with whom we may have gone through life hand in hand for years. At the time of our relationship, we connected a lot. An imaginary bond that both partners shared. But while the one has let go, the abandoned one still held on to it and has come to now fall. In addition, a separation from the partner is not only associated with the loss of this beloved person, joint plans for the future are also lost from now on. Under certain circumstances, the circle of friends is reduced or even dissolved. Grief that comes with heartbreak, therefore, has much more to work through than just the loss of a relationship. Often these are deep-seated wounds that gnaw at our minds and hearts.

Heartbreak: We mourn old past partnerships equally

In coaching conversations, it is regularly revealed that with our heartbreak we are not only mourning the last relationship that has just ended, but also past partnerships before that. Their end, which is now some time ago, has often left psychological wounds that have never completely healed and are now being torn open again.

In sessions with the coach, such unprocessed experiences are then finally brought to the surface and can be gently processed, for example with the EMDR method, and thus processed – mentally and emotionally. As a rule, our personal condition improves abruptly and the pain of love and the feeling of grief shrink to a bearable level. In a few applications, we can thus get through a breakup, with all its painful side effects such as separation pain, heartache, but also feelings of guilt and grief, faster and more smoothly.

Why our new relationship can be much more beautiful

With the help of EMDR we not only cope with old relationships and their separations, but through it we also end old relationship patterns and habits. For the first time, there is a real chance that everything will be better with the next partner.

Why? Because by changing our body memory, we release old blockages and from that moment on we are allowed to live new convictions that enable a different relationship pattern. By changing our somatic markers and thus our emotional memory, we are practically reborn. Consequently, we also choose a different kind of person as our new partner. Our new relationship can thus become something completely new, different and usually much more beautiful than what we have experienced so far.

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Heartbreak: Overcome grief

For those affected, the question now rightly arises of how to cope with the grief and overcome the pain of separation. Mastering this task alone is rarely successful and can take weeks or even months before a final conclusion is possible. However, professional help or self-coaching guidance can help make the coping journey bearable and even shorten it.

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