The comprehensive guide to EMDR self-coaching

Learn to noticeably reduce stress & strain. Download the EMDR self-help guide now.(more...)

The comprehensive guide to EMDR self-coaching

Learn to noticeably reduce stress & strain. Download the EMDR self-help guide now.(more...)

Basics for the application of EMDR in coaching with the REMSTIM 3000


EMDR in coaching with the REMSTIM 3000Rapid Eye Movement Stimulation using the REMSTIM 3000 is characterized by the fact that it usually leads to calmness quickly and easily. Neither knowledge nor skills are necessary for effective application. Rapid Eye Movement Stimulation is the intervention method of EMDR and simulates REM sleep with its typical rapid eye movements while awake.

Just the change in the flexibility of eye movements can often visibly give information about the improvement of the personal emotional and mental constitution. The beneficial stimulation effects of an application with the REMSTIM 3000 are usually noticeable within minutes.

Self-coaching has never been so easy. Mental blockages, which in many cases have an influence on our well-being, can be successfully reduced and often even dissolved with Rapid Eye Movement Stimulation.

More about EMDR in coaching

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