The comprehensive guide to EMDR self-coaching

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The comprehensive guide to EMDR self-coaching

Learn to noticeably reduce stress & strain. Download the EMDR self-help guide now.(more...)

CIPBS – Conflict imagination, painting and bilateral stimulation with EMDR glasses REMSTIM 3000


CIPBS – Translated, it means Conflict Imagination, Painting and Bilateral Stimulation with EMDR goggles REMSTIM 3000.

This simple and effective technique CIPBS can be traced back to the psychologist Christa Diegelmann. The format is preferably used when working with trauma.

However, the CIPBS format is also ideally suited for coaching and especially for self-coaching. Topics of an exclusively non-disease nature are dealt with.

Also, I recommend not to work on issues that the user assigns a value of more than -3 on the scale of subjective touchiness by himself, but to put himself in the hands of a professional coach.

Smiley Scale for EMDR Coaching

When using the SUD scale, values above 3 should not be approached alone.

SUD value EMDR

I present the technique CIPBS because it is a helpful variation of the EMDR self-coaching method in 6 steps self-coaching. The use of the EMDR goggles REMSTIM 3000 is extremely beneficial.

Approaches from EMDR, KIP and painting therapy can be found.


Conflict imagination, painting and bilateral stimulation with EMDR glasses REMSTIM 3000If you would like to use CIPBS on your own and by yourself, you will need colored pencils and a sheet of paper, as well as the REMSTIM 3000 EMDR goggles. A flipchart sheet is also recommended. I personally prefer a DINA4 or DINA 3 sheet. Since my drawing then does not have to be so large.

Fold the sheet 3 times by folding it lengthwise in the middle and then folding it crosswise 2 times each at 1/3 and 2/3.

Sit down in a place of your choice, where you are alone and undisturbed with yourself and the crayons and sheet of paper. Then the process can begin. From now on, I will address you as YOU, as it has proven helpful in the (self-)coaching process.


Think about your topic of choice; choose one that makes you uncomfortable. This is your initial topic. Rate your subjective discomfort regarding your initial topic on the subjective discomfort scale from -10 to +10 and note the value.

Smiley Scale for EMDR Coaching

Now concentrate on the stressful situation or the most unpleasant thought, whatever best reflects your initial topic, and look for an image in your mind.(Step 1 of EMDR self-coaching)

Now begin to paint this inner image, whatever you see, in the first box of the 6 boxes. Your painting skills will not be judged. So it doesn’t matter what it looks like; even if it reminds you of a small child’s attempts at painting. Dare and see what you paint. Use the colors to reflect your inner image. If your inner view is black, then that’s just the way it is.

When you feel that you have painted everything for the moment, stop and look at your picture. Notice your emotion, and then look for a physical sensation.(Step 2 and Step 3 of EMDR Self-Coaching).

When you are now aware of your emotion as well as your body sensation, put on the EMDR goggles REMSTIM 3000, start them and follow the light stimulus with your eyes(step 4 of EMDR self-coaching). After the first set, feel free to start a second time. Then take off the glasses.

The 4th step of EMDR self-coaching is now repeated: Think again about your initial topic and draw a new second picture in the next free box on your sheet, which corresponds to your current inner picture. And remember, there is no wrong or right, beautiful or ugly. Whatever you paint IS and that’s what it’s all about. It can be simply strokes, colored areas or anything else. What matters is that it is yours; it comes from you.

Stop the painting process of your second picture when you feel that you don’t want to add anything more for the moment. Consider your second image.

Now notice your emotion again, and then look for the physical sensation. If you perceive them, intervene with EMDR using the REMSTIM 3000: put on the glasses, start them, and run them through completely once or twice.

Repeat the process until you have painted all 6 pictures

Returning to the initial theme, draw your third picture, again perceive your emotions and body sensations, and put on the REMSTIM 3000 and perform the bilateral stimulation.

Returning to the initial theme, draw your fourth picture, again perceive your emotions and body sensations, and put on the REMSTIM 3000 and perform the bilateral stimulation.

Returning to the initial theme, draw your fifth picture, once again perceive your emotions and body sensations and put on the REMSTIM 3000 and perform the bilateral stimulation.

Returning to the initial theme, draw your sixth picture, again perceive your emotions and body sensations and put on the REMSTIM 3000 and perform the bilateral stimulation.

In front of you now lies your sheet of paper with 6 pictures.

Conflict imagination, painting and bilateral stimulation with EMDR glasses REMSTIM 3000-picture

If you now think of your initial topic, and you should now formulate a first positive thought in one sentence, what would it be?

Write it down at: _________________________________

Read your positive sentence again, then put on the EMDR goggles REMSTIM 3000 and start a set with large deflection (the eyes are guided completely outward) and slowest speed.(Step 6 of EMDR self-coaching).

Now rate your initial topic on the subjective touch scale from -10 to +10. Note the value.

Smiley Scale for EMDR Coaching

The value should have changed to the positive on the scale and represent your inner feeling.


Your Thomas Buhl

EMDR device REMSTIM 3000

Designed for EMDR self-coaching: with the REMSTIM 3000 EMDR goggles, effective self-help with EMDR becomes an easy exercise!(Experiences)

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EMDR device REMSTIM 4000

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The EMDR self-coaching guide

EMDR device REMSTIM 3000

Designed for EMDR self-coaching: with the REMSTIM 3000 EMDR goggles, effective self-help with EMDR becomes an easy exercise!(Experiences)

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