Heartbreak – Quick help for those who are overwhelmed by the pain of love.
Heartbreak is a painful experience that few people are spared in their lives; sooner or later, everyone has to overcome the pain of love at some point. It is a bleak state in which seemingly nothing makes sense anymore. Our own feelings are simply overwhelming, they also often change quickly and unexpectedly; thus we jump from a feeling of anger directly to sadness and then to indifference, or the other way around. This bouncing back and forth of emotions is an almost daily companion. Often, you don’t even recognize yourself anymore because you simply behave differently than normal and no longer know where front and back are.
Everyday things and activities are often overshadowed by constant musings during heartbreak. The heartbreak makes you feel like you’re breaking down inside and everything else around you is just going in slow motion, just losing relevance. These feelings, thoughts, and confusion are normal processes that occur with almost any separation pain. However, you can only get rid of them if you can overcome the heartbreak permanently. This includes working through the breakup and coming to terms with the past relationship.
For many of those affected, however, it is very difficult to even imagine continuing to live without their beloved partner. At the first moment, everything just seems pointless. What is certain, however, is that any separation can be processed. Every pain of love can be managed. Usually, this challenge is accompanied by a lot of time, sleepless nights and, above all, tears. Usually; because with the help of EMDR such a debilitating task of overcoming heartbreak can be overcome more easily and, above all, with less stress. Be it in EMDR self-coaching or EMDR coaching with the coach.
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What helps with lovesickness? Helpful advice to get through the heartbreak
Now, you could sit around for a few days, bury your head in the sand and wait for everything to get better on its own. After all, there is no motivation to take the initiative at the moment anyway. Time heals all wounds, after all; they say! Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Agreeing can also have the opposite effect:
- Thoughts constantly revolve around the love that has passed and the separation.
- The heartbreak may become more intense, making the pain of separation feel more uncomfortable than may be necessary. Read also love pain and the symptoms.
There are several ways and means that can help overcome the pain of love and start a new life. The following lines provide helpful recommendations for action:
1. end all contact!
It is a painful reality, but this step is imperative. Contact with the ex should definitely be broken off, at least for the while of healing your own heart. Surely one dreams of winning back the beloved once again, perhaps wants to fight for the relationship and hopes that there will be a happy ending after all. But in the rarest of cases, this actually occurs. As a rule, further contact with the ex would always reopen the wounds caused by the breakup. Those who are plagued by heartbreak really hope that the contact will lead to a new start. However, if these hopes are disappointed, the painful truth emerges again and again. There would be no end to the heartache and heartbreak. There is no way to overcome heartbreak through further contact. The “no contact period” can be used very productively, for example by thinking about yourself. Just get to the bottom of your own desires, needs and ideas about a relationship. Perhaps one even becomes reasonable and has to admit to oneself that the relationship basically no longer had a chance and that a separation was the better way for both parties involved.
Those who feel unable to completely end contact with their ex-partner have a good chance to help themselves with EMDR in self-coaching. The detachment process is strongly supported in EMDR self-coaching. Letting go is made easier, as emotional stresses in particular are reduced.
2. avoid brooding!
It is certainly not wrong to make various considerations, however, in no case should you start brooding. Typical brooding questions in the case of heartbreak would be, for example:
– Was there anything I could have done?
– Why didn’t I notice anything?
– Could I have saved the relationship?
– What did I do wrong?
This brooding ultimately leads to no solution. It only triggers self-doubt and is the basis for poor self-image and self-esteem. You should rather fix your thoughts on yourself. So you could think about how to make your life so that it is joyful again, so that the heartbreak can be managed.
EMDR is usually excellent for ending ruminations and thought loops. Read more under Releasing Mental Blockages and Rapid Eye Movement Stimulation – Basic Intervention of EMDR.
3. listen to the music that touches you!
Everyone knows the feeling when a piece of music touches us deep inside. With the help of such personal songs, which have accompanied most of us throughout our lives, it is possible to get to the bottom of the cause of heartbreak. Here, the choice of music may, yes, should also quietly fall on sad songs that trigger a lot of emotions in us.
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Take advantage of this opportunity and simply let the tears run free. It is an incredibly important step in getting through the pain of love. Flowing tears testify to the abreaction of old emotions, which are stored in our body memory. They help to gain a clearer view of the situation.
4. talk about your grief!
Talking can really do you good, and that’s especially true when you’re heartbroken. If you keep everything bottled up and only want to sort it out with yourself, you run the risk of going round in circles. If, on the other hand, one talks openly and uninhibitedly with an uninvolved person, completely new perspectives can emerge. On the other hand, it also just feels good to finally let everything out and let go. Letting go is an important process when it comes to getting through heartbreak.
If talking about it is combined with EMDR coaching, which usually allows the emotions that come up to be processed immediately, a separation can often be overcome more quickly and with less stress.
5. learning to love yourself!
Especially after long-term relationships, it is observed that many have identified themselves through the partnership. One’s own ego consciousness is often no longer really present. It is important to recognize this again and to tell yourself over and over again that you are a lovable person who can manage without your partner. Every person has positive personal qualities and strengths that need to be rediscovered and made truly aware of. No one should become completely dependent on another person, because we are all capable of leading independent lives.
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