The comprehensive guide to EMDR self-coaching

Learn to noticeably reduce stress & strain. Download the EMDR self-help guide now.(more...)

The comprehensive guide to EMDR self-coaching

Learn to noticeably reduce stress & strain. Download the EMDR self-help guide now.(more...)

Can I vary the duration of use of the EMDR goggles REMSTIM 3000?


The stimulation duration of an intervention set with the EMDR device must meet specific specifications.

Thus, to answer the question correctly, it is necessary to distinguish two time periods:

  • 1. the duration of an EMDR self-coaching session.
  • 2. the duration of an intervention with the EMDR goggles REMSTIM 3000, also called stimulation set.

bilateral stimulation technique EMDR device REMSTIM 3000The duration of an EMDR self-application with all its 6. steps you can of course vary as you like, to suit your own session topics. This duration is very individual.

But the question is certainly aimed at the duration of an intervention, a visual stimulation set with the REMSTIM 3000.

Unlike EMDR treatment by a therapist or coach, where the practitioner can adjust the duration of stimulation to the perceptible responses of the coachee/patient, the duration of a stimulation set of REMSTIM 3000 EMDR goggles is fixed at 30 seconds. After the start, the light pulses run for 30 seconds and cannot be stopped. The time interval can also not be extended or shortened.

Through numerous tests and observations during the development of the EMDR goggles and through current feedback from our users (customers), we see ourselves confirmed that it was the right decision to set the time interval of a stimulation set to 30 seconds without change. There are several reasons for this:

Reasons for a fixed application time of 30 seconds

EMDR device REMSTIM 3000

Designed for EMDR self-coaching: with the REMSTIM 3000 EMDR goggles, effective self-help with EMDR becomes an easy exercise!(Experiences)

Further information

EMDR device REMSTIM 4000

Questions from our customers

The EMDR self-coaching guide

EMDR device REMSTIM 3000

Designed for EMDR self-coaching: with the REMSTIM 3000 EMDR goggles, effective self-help with EMDR becomes an easy exercise!(Experiences)

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