Occupational stress often has a major impact on our performance and our enjoyment of life. In the accelerated, interconnected world we live in, stresses are more likely to increase.
The following questions invite you to reflect on your own situation:
- Do I feel or have felt stressed or anxious lately?
- Do I feel that my performance and enjoyment of life have decreased?
- Do I feel that I am having a harder time achieving my goals – professional or personal?
- Am I more at a loss for stress, lower performance, and feeling anxious?
If so, then something can be done. With the help of the REMSTIM 3000, which uses Rapid Eye Movement Stimulation, also known from EMDR, the difficult situations and one’s own emotional response to them can be self-coached. Deep relaxation is usually the quick and pleasant result of a self-coaching session, which allows the intervention to be properly applied with rapid eye movements thanks to the REMSTIM 3000.