Stress can influence our current actions and act as a permanent block to success and performance. In the process, it too often causes us to lose sight of our goals and can equally diminish our creativity and problem-solving skills! Stress can weaken our motivation and performance! It is not uncommon for worries or inhibitions to arise under stress, which add to the strain. The fear of failing in exams, lectures or presentations, but also existential worries can have their origin here. In addition, there is the danger that moments of calm and serenity become increasingly rare due to the phenomenon of sensitization and in many cases give way to a never-ending brooding. Everyday problems thus remain present. Relaxation is less and less to think about. Over time, we may even forget to enjoy our free time carefree in a relaxed mood.All this does not require any major events. Even many small critical situations can be enough if they occur frequently.How does it happen?
Thereby play mental blocks often play a role. These need to be resolved, which is possible in many cases thanks to Rapid Eye Movement Stimulation. Stimulation with rapid eye movements has long been known and serves as a reliable intervention in the EMDR method.
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Dissolve mental blocks yourself with EMDR and the REMSTIM 3000
Dissolve mental blocks yourself with EMDR and the REMSTIM 3000 Already with his first breath the human being collects experiences. He is constantly learning for his future life. Our brain

Dissolve mental blocks yourself with EMDR and the REMSTIM 3000
Dissolve mental blocks yourself with EMDR and the REMSTIM 3000 Already with his first breath the human being collects experiences. He is constantly learning for his future life. Our brain